Saturday, November 5, 2011

Informative Instructional Design Blogs

The ARCS model: An interview with John Keller

Dianne Rees brings to us an excellent blog entitled, "The ARCS model: An interview with John Keller".  The ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) Model integrates motivational design with instructional design.

According to the interview, conducted by Dr. Bernie Dodge, John Keller describes Motivational Design. "Motivational design is the process of arranging resources and procedures to bring about changes in motivation...Motivational design can be applied to improving students’ motivation to learn..." John Keller brings to us an "up close and personal" encounter with Motivational Design and how motivation is the driving force behind the success of Instructional Design.

As a current student of Instructional Design, I highly recommend Dianne Rees blog, "The ARCS Model: An Interview with John Keller".  John Keller's model is widely used and accepted within the Instructional Design world. I believe this site will provide a wealth of information as I grow and develop in the art of Instructional Design.

The ADDIE Instructional Design Model

Christopher Pappas has created an excellent PowerPoint presentation on his blog, "The ADDIE Instructional Design Model". ADDIE, an acronym which stand for, Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.  The ADDIE model is a blueprint, widely used in the field of Instructional Design, to ensure that the instructional products are presented in the most effective and efficient manner.

Christopher does an excellent job of taking us through the ADDIE process, giving us a detailed yet understandable look at each element. He presents the information in manageable chunks and addresses each point with clear, concise attention to detail. 

I believe the ADDIE Model, presented in Christopher Pappas's blog, will be a site I refer to often in my Instructional Design career. Creative instruction is the ultimate goal, but without attention a plan of design, the goal of instruction can be ineffective.


Sandra Rogers, author of "3 Tech Tools for Beginning Online Teachers" answers the question, "How can I add technology to my classroom?". 

Sandra give a brief explanation of how to take a screen shot of your computer, using to record a lecture or give a virtual tour, and how to embed a PowerPoint into your website or learning management system using

Sandra has the ability to reach a wide range of learners through her clear, easy to understand instructions and well marked links to each Tech Tool being discussed.  She shares her own experiences with each tool and gives a real life example for each.

Sandra Rogers' article, "3 Basic Tech Tools for Beginning Online Teachers", has already been added to my favorites.  I believe this blog has a wealth of information I can put to you immediately and in the future. I can see how this information can be applied as a college student and in my own classroom.

Works Cited

3 Basic Tech Tools for Beginning Online Teachers. (2011, October 29). Retrieved November 2, 2011, from TeacherRogers' Blog:
The ADDIE Instructional Design Model . (2007, September 30). Retrieved November 2, 2011, from CPappasOnline :
The ARCS model: An interview with John Keller. (2011, October 12). Retrieved November 2, 2011, from Instructional Design Fusions:

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